Friday, 5 February 2016

What I am only going to be taking from now on.

What I am going to be taking from now on. 
So at the moment I am not feeling very well, I have a cold and taking drugs on top is making me feel even worse so for the first time in my life I am going to put my foot down and limit the drugs I am taking to just the ones that I feel benefit me in some way rather than just make me feel something. So I am only going to be smoking weed because that makes me feel just better in myself and I think I am probably addicted at this point but I dont mind its not really anything big. I am also going to be taking benzos. I feel like I need the tranquiliser type of things as they desensitize me from everything going on and I like that. The feeling of numbness is comforting. Now obviously I think you need to know that the reasoning behind them may seem stupid to you, I am aware of that but what you need to remember is I dont give a shit what you think.

I am going to be stockpiling research chemicals as well ready for the UK blanket ban coming in on the 6th April 2016. BE PREPARED PEOPLE. Personally I think that its total bullshit and now only this there is now a nationwide campaign to increase awarness into legal high so it can only go downhill from here as the government is going to be sticking their dirty fingers into places they arnt welcome. No matter what the topic is government intervention usually recks everything and makes it all worse. That and religion has the same destructive effect.

Expect some more regular posts I am hoping to be doing a few a week but I dont like to have a schedule because then it becomes a chore and doing some creative like this or making a video or a song is a spontaneous thing and if you force it then it doesnt come, or at least if it does then it is going to be dogshit. Keep that in mind, thats a piece of WaddSolen advice.


 - WaddSolen

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