Sunday, 31 January 2016

Why do I keep getting raided?

Hey, so I like to go and find a secluded space outside, where I can go to get away from people and chillout. Smoke some weed or take anything else and just be care free and have a little bit of alone time. Well I have made a few places over the last couple of months and everyone that I have found has been raided.

WARNING! I am not going to go into any detail about why I think that this is.

But yeah, so usually after around a few months a place will get what I call "raided". Now by raided I mean that civilisation will find me and take my stuff. Thats what I class as a raid. But if its a case of they have come and shown some kind of sign that they have been there and I can usually tell instantly if someone has or not. Then it is good because it gives me some time to find a new place and save myself from a raid.

Well today is the day that I got a sign. A bit of rubbish had moved a considerable distance and something else was knocked over. Now we have had a lot of strong wind in my area the last week or two but I know that this isnt the work of the wind and it is too big for me to ignore and carry on.

So heres my plan. I have hidden all of the stuff that I dont want to get taken like in the last raid and hidden that somewhere else. And the next time that I go there I am going to take a bag and take any rubbish or sign of me being there. I am going to dispose of it. Then leave that place for a while.

Eventually they will lose my scent and then thats when I will come back. I need to find a set of places when one gets raided go to another and then another and slowly rotate.

 Sorry it just annoys me alot and I felt the need to make some form of official method of saying that Ill do something and protect myself from them.

I also found a survivor from a raid a little while back. Its the bong that featured in my first videos. I dont think youll have noticed but the bongs change, thats because one place got raided and I lost the bong, but I have found it again, I am going to steralise it and put it back into use. It wont be my regular bong, but itll be the ceremonial one. The one that I use when I have something to celebrate or its an occasion.

I will make a video about the survivor in a little while.

Anyway thanks for reading.

 - Wadd

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